After looking at all the alternatives – including iCloud. I settled on JottaCloud. This service seems to run well under the radar.
I am in the apple sphere with a mac min, iphone and ipad, so iCloud would *seem* like the natural choice. However, since you are not actually backing up to the cloud with iCloud, it was a non-starter. I do not need to keep 10,000 photos on my phone AND cloud. I think iCloud should be renamed to iEverywhere since, to me, it is not a cloud back-up, but in fact Everywhere taking up space on all devices. Google, for all of its faults, does this right.
I stumbled upon Jottacloud while at this site;
I am glad I found it because it behaves exactly like Google Photos. I am very pleased with it. When using Google Takeout and uploading to Jotta, it was seamless. Jotta is very reasonably priced as well! I am sharing my space with my spouse and they have a seperate login and their space is private. It is hosted in Norway and that is a added plus!
I found out something else about Jotta that was a pleasant surprise and now it is not only replacing one Google service, but two! I will discuss next week in my next blog post!
Find Jottacloud here:
Thanks for your thoughts and the link. Great blog post.